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Location: Camden County, NJ
Client: McCormick Taylor, Inc. and Hardesty & Hanover, LLC
Owner: NJDOT
Phase: Preliminary Engineering and Final Design
Status: Construction Completed

KMA provided various professional services to McCormick Taylor, Inc. and Hardesty & Hanover for the Preliminary Engineering (PE) and Final Design (FD) phases, respectively, of this dam replacement and bridge rehabilitation project.
For PE, KMA performed surveying, mapping, utilities engineering, geotechnical engineering, and H&H analysis. For FD, KMA performed final utility engineering, supplemental surveying, geotechnical engineering, and permitting. Permits procured for this NJDOT project included a NJDEP Freshwater Wetlands General Permit #18, NJDEP Waterfront Development Individual Permits (Upland and In-water), and a US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Nationwide Permit #23.
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