
KMA has experience in various aspects of hydrology and hydraulics pertaining to project planning and preliminary engineering/final design, environmental permits/permit support, and compliance with the NJ Stormwater Management Rules.
KMA's service include:
Roadway Drainage Design
Evaluation of Stormwater Management Measures and for Compliance with the NJ Stormwater Management Rules (NJAC 7:8)
Design of Structural Stormwater Management Facilities for Water Quality and Quantity, including Bio-retention Systems, Detention Basins, Retention Basins, Extended Detention Basins, and Infiltration Basins
Preparation of Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
Engineering for Applications for NJDEP Flood Hazard Area Control Act (FHACA) Permits, including determination of Flood Hazard Areas and Floodways, Net Fill Calculations, and Backwater Analyses)
Performing Field and Laboratory Investigations/Testing for Design of Stormwater Management Facilities
Post-Construction Analysis of Stormwater Management Facilities for Compliance with the NJ Stormwater Management Rules
KMA engineers are highly efficient in the use of the following hydrology and hydraulic software programs:
HEC-1, TR 55, TR 20, WMS, HEC-25, and HEC-UNET for peak flows
Storm-CADD for highway drainage design
HEC-2, River CAD, and HEC-RAS for water surface profiles/backwater analyses
PondPack for analysis of stormwater management basins
EPA SWMM-stormwater and combined stormwater/sanitary analysis